Questions and Answers about Unificationism


Is Rev Moon the Christ returned to Earth?

by Damian Anderson
5 February 2002

On Tuesday 5 February 2002, JR wrote:

> I got on your mailing list out of curiosity, and have really been inspired
> by the daily readings, but today's message confuses me.  Do you really think
> Rev Moon is Christ returned to Earth?  Maybe he is, but I don't know.  Has
> he done any of the miracles, healings, etc. with which Jesus proved his
> divinity?  Just wondering.
> Thanks
> JR

Yes, I do believe that he is the Christ, the Messiah. What does the Christ or Messiah mean? The word means "anointed". Christ is from the Greek, and Messiah is from the Hebrew.

I believe that Rev. Moon is the one anointed by God as His champion to eliminate evil and to establish the reign of God on Earth. Jesus visited Rev. Moon as a 15 year old boy on a Korean mountain side on Easter Day 1935, and asked him to complete the unfinished work of restoration of humanity back to God and complete this cosmic battle against the forces of darkness and establish the eternal reign of goodness on the Earth and in Heaven. When you see this Earthly world is Heaven, then you will know the work is over. Until that time, there is a big struggle ahead.

The place where the struggle has to begin is in my own mind and body as I eliminate evil from my own life, from my daily habits, from my apathy to the suffering of others, from my apathy to the suffering of God who feels and shares the grief of every human who ever lived and who now live in the spiritual world, and those who live today on the Earth. Apathy to the suffering of others is the characteristic nature of Satan. Empathy for that same suffering is the nature of God. When we truly empathize with the suffering of God and humanity, we will experience the flood of tears associated with that ancient and repressed grief.

When we feel and empathize with the pain of others, we feel moved to action to alleviate that suffering. That is the work of the man or woman of faith. When we act to sanctify our own lives, and join the Messiah in His cosmic struggle, then we also become Messiahs in our own right as God anoints us as warriors in the army of Heaven. Rev. Moon is my commander in chief in that army.

And yes, in the process, miracles can and do take place. Sometimes we have to have the ears to hear them, and the eyes to see them, but they are there for those who are alive to perceive and cognize the work of God. If you do not understand something, eliminate all that is impure in yourself and then ask of Heaven for an answer, and the Lord who feels the pain of all will surely answer your heartfelt supplication from the depths of the misery of the sincere seeker earnest to know God and his eternal divine Will.

Please feel free to read and digest what you are able to from his teachings. Welcome aboard. And please tell your friends, there is no charge, ever. The more the merrier.


Damian Anderson