To: Continental Directors, Regional Leaders, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU International Office
Date: January 8, 2001
Title: Information on the changed method of the second generation's blessing.

The conclusion of the providence that began with True Parents' 80th Birthday celebration on February 10, 2000 (1.6 by the lunar calendar) will come to fruition with the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God to be held on January 13, 2001. True Parents have guided the blessed families as tribal messiahs, and have blessed them as fourth Adams through the Registration Blessing. Finally, they opened the era wherein we can pray in our own names. Our victorious True Parents, welcoming the age of the family kingship of the original creation, have given their blessing on the era when parents can take responsibility for the blessing of their children.

According to True Parents' instructions, please will all continental directors and national leaders inform the members of the content below regarding the blessing of the second generation, so that all blessed families can embrace and follow this change in the providence.

  1. Applications for Second Generation Matching Candidates

    1. Leaders of each nation should carefully check the qualifications of blessing candidates in accordance with their identity as second generation.

    2. All second generation blessing should be conducted directly by the parents under the good offices of the church leader.

    3. Educational qualifications for becoming second generation blessing candidates

      1. Attended 21 days Divine Principle workshop
      2. Attended 2 days Blessing workshop
      3. Individual interview
      4. Recommendation letter from the church leader

    4. Leaders from each nation should officially announce the list of the blessing candidates who pass all the required educational courses mentioned above and who have the necessary qualifications. According to the list, each family, each nation and each continent will actively exchange information on the blessing candidates for the smooth matching procedure among the nations and continents.

    5. No second generation member who has had the problem of the sexual fall can be a candidate in the second generation blessing. He (She) must wait for the special forgiveness blessing.

  2. Administration

    1. Leaders of each nation should confirm the final list of second generation matching candidates by January 10.

    2. After confirming the list, each family, each nation and each continent, and all continents together, must cooperate for the sake of the matching and properly manage the list.

    3. Each nation should report its list of second generation matching candidates to the continental office. Each continental office is to work to support the matching process within the continent and in relation to other continents.

    4. Each nation and continent should maintain the confirmed list of second generation matching candidates in its continental office in a computer database system.

    5. Each nation or continent should organize second generation matching workshops to provide the opportunity for the candidates to meet and confirm their match.

    6. The matching should be handled only according to the officially announced list of candidates. In the case that someone is matched with someone not on the list, that couple cannot receive official recognition as a second generation blessed family.

    7. Each continental headquarters must send the list of candidates to FFWPU international office (World Mission HQ) in Seoul. Each continental headquarters must also prepare a list of the couples who have been matched where at least one person of the couple is from that continent.