The Way Of The Spiritual Leader (Part 1)

by Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Section 1. Minster And Prayer (Part 1)

1. The Prayer

1) Reasons for Prayer

If man did not fall then the savior is not needed, and religion and prayer are also not needed. We must understand that the need for savior, religion and prayer are the unfortunate gift of the Fall. (1974.3.9)

Why do we have to pray? We must stand in the position of horizontally 90 degree in relation to the vertical realm of the heart. We cannot make mistake. We must stand at horizontally 90 degree position and by receiving vertical stimulation, depending on the magnitude of that stimulation, based on that standard my sphere will expand. If that happens then this kind of sphere is formed. It results in perfect circle (or the original image) in which one hundred percent give and take can occur.

Therefore, we can not afford to not devote ourselves sincerely. You cannot waver. You must pray in that situation. "How have I attended you Heavenly Father? In attending Parents, am I a representative of family, society, tribe, people, or nation? This can be known at once. Until where have my tears been shed and flowed. This is the formula. Fallen man cannot attend the Heavenly Parents without tears, without repentance. Without cleansing, the recreation of that environment is not possible. Do you understand?

When thinking about nation, do tears fall, when thinking about the world, does wailing occur? There is the problem. When Heavenly Father is doing that, the subject is doing that, the horizontal standard must stand in the same realm and in the participatory realm. It is not possible without being one. (171-19)

One does not become a central figure with confidence. Do you understand? One does not have confidence. Even I have never thought myself as feeling confident. Because I realized before myself must come what God likes, and I realized I must like that person whom God goes after, when I look at a given situation, what mattered was how can I start off by having such a heart. If I can be connected to that heart, there is nothing which cannot be accomplished. There is nothing that cannot be accomplished. We must have a mind which can make other people joyful, and consult the sorrowful person.

Have you loved God as much as the food when we are severely starving? We must love that much. Even when we are so famished, we must be able to search for God holding the food, and when we starve and hold rice in our hands, we must search for and care for the loving family (church) members. We must do so. If you are such a person and if you starve and fast, then that village will fall into the ruin. It will be overcome.

For that reason, where ever a person whom God loves, he never starves. Do you understand? Father has never thought about food until now. Father has never thought "I must make money to survive." Would father starve because he doesn't think that way? Where ever father goes, food is waiting for me. Isn't that right?

As such responsible leader, you must know how to follow this essential principle track (orbit). Therefore you must pray. Pray deeply about the relationship between God and myself, how much does God love me? Also, you must pray and invest for members. How much relationship have I made with members? Until the relationship becomes round. . . For that you must pray. You must pray.

How many hours do you spend on eating meals in one day? Is it over one hour and half? At least it requires about one hour and half, isn't it? [Yes] You spend on average one and half hour for eating meals. For the spiritual work, you must invest more than the amount of time you spend on eating. You must invest much more. Father has understood this fact through numerous years of own life of faith. (70-171)

As we realize more and more that the path we must walk today is a path which we must break through anyway, we feel that we cannot not do this with our own energy alone. Therefore, we must understand that a person of faith must pray. (1975.5.5)

What is the most important and necessary thing in your daily life? It is the prayer life. Through prayer we understand the enemy that is not visible and also discern the visible enemy. (19-146)

Prayer is also needed for the perfection of purpose. (9-197)

2) The Content and Order of Prayer

When praying, first pray for this nation and this people, then pray for the Unification Church, and then pray for the descendants who will succeed the proceeding generation. (1968.11.4)

When you pray, you should pray first for your nation. And then pray for the world, then pray for the liberation of God. Do you think God is at a comfortable situation? Without knowing what one must do, without knowing how the fortune of this world is changing, he/she is saying 'Oh lord, please send me to the Heaven." (14-65)

Today you must pray for the ancestors who have toiled until this time and are now in the spiritual world, before praying for your own son and daughter. You must have such mind frame that longs for all of humanity to live well before expecting yourself to live well. Before dancing, you must seriously worry about the humankind which is still in the realm of lamentation. Also, you must have the mind-frame which can represent the situation of Jesus who could not show the expression of happy even when he is happy, and could not express the expression of joy even when he is joyful. (4-125)

Those who have faith in religion for one's own benefit will abandon God when he/she receives blessing. It is because receiving blessing is the goal. After living for a while will fall apart. You must pray from the viewpoint which seeks to find what God is desiring. Then we must pray God to bestow blessing upon the world. (1983.5. 1)

A person of faith must pray public prayer for something greater. (28-271)

The one who sheds tears for the miserable nation shall received a national blessing, and the one who cries for the miserable church shall receive a church-level blessing, and the one who shed tears for the world shall receive a world-wide blessing. (1958.4.6)

If one has a spiritual experience, then that person will pray for himself/herself at the very last. If you can enter into the realm of sanctified spiritual world, you will come to pray for God first. Don't you think it should be so? At the moment when you meet your owner, you must invoke blessing upon him. Then afterwards you must also pray for Jesus; only after that you will understand the historical heart. And then you must pray in place of and representing multitude of people who have fought for the great dispensational will in the Christendom. Following the footsteps of all those innumerable prophets ever since the fall of Adam and Eve, you must pray, "Please allow me to become a offering that can resolve (cleanse) all their sorrows." After that is all fulfilled, you can pray for your loving children, and then pray for yourself. That is the way heavenly law is.

Today if I claim to walk the correct path of faith, then I must shed tears holding onto this world, must cry tearfully holding heaven and earth, must cry holding my nation, holding my church, holding myself, and at the last, pray requesting responsibility to be given to me. (1959.10.18)

3) Answer to the Prayer

Prayer always is fulfilled. Through prayer we receive energy and we are taught about the future prospect of how this problem will unfold. You will be taught "In this kind of situation do like this, and in that kind of work, do like that." By knowing this you can accomplish a great things. Only through prayer, you can pioneer that kind of path. Do you understand? [Yes] You must know prayer is more essential than eating your meals.

That is why Father likes nature and has a hobby of treasuring the time of solitude. Father likes a tranquil night. Even if father does not talk about these things, would father not have them? They are not apparent because father does not show. You must know that establishing such background foundation of richness of life is not possible without the way of prayer.

You can feel love in that world, in that position, but in an ordinary position it is difficult. Upon such foundation, only if you can stand in the position to reinforce (reinvigorate) energy by yourself, you can walk the life of faith by yourself. If you can go forward only when father is pulling you then what would you do if father is no longer here with you? To acquire that hidden aspect of life, you must know that prayer is necessary.

Therefore, whether or not somebody watches I must do my work by myself. We must be able to keep well the promises that we make with God. In night and day, praying for the sake of whole, that becomes the living prayer. Then, every several years, the prayer that I want changes, the title changes and develops. Therefore, you must know what significant time is the present time. You must understand that you have to possess that kind of hidden aspect in life through the prayer life. Do you understand? [Yes]

Among you, please raise your hand if you pray. If so, how did you pray? You must pray for that nation and that righteousness. (104-111)

When I pray in a situation in which you pledge in front of God that I shall advance one victorious foundation at the cost of sacrificing my body, God will take responsibility and fulfill it. To fulfill the content of my prayer, God does not walk the idle path. In order for God to arrive at the place where you are praying, he must go through many stages. When you stand in the most miserable situation like God is, then God can directly take action; however, otherwise God cannot take direct action. In other words, even if I am at a sacrificial and sorrowful situation, if my true mind can stand in a position where God wants me to be, then God will come to recognize and sympathize me. We must know that God is a being of such heart. (18-269)

4) The Standard of Father's Prayer

Before his sermon, Father spends more time praying for the member than praying for the sermon itself. Father prays with sincere investment: "Heavenly Father! What must I do to raise these people? Is it this or is it that?" and after that he gives sermon as his mind directs. (9-81)

Father never wants to loose to anyone in devotion (Jeung Seong). Also regarding heartistic aspect, I never want to be indebted but to give to others. From now on, a person in a responsible position must at least establish heartistic condition concerning one's own responsibility. If not, then the Unification Church cannot develop. (16-309)

When father is in deep prayer, all members of the Unification Church falls in love with him with the result that even on their way to the grocery store they come and visit. That is the way it is. They tell others that they are going to the market place and they end up in the church. It doesn't matter man or woman, all are enchanted. Those things are not caused by me. Love made it so, love. When they see me, they feel joyful without knowing why. When ever they can, they want to sell anything they have and bring something to me. They want to give, give and give again. What can cause such phenomenon? It is true love. Give, give and give again, then you come to possess new thing to give 'continually. Do you understand? After giving in all directions, a place for me to sit down emerges. A high place emerges. (121-231)

How many members with longing, yearning heart have you met? Father has met numerous such people. They visit from the end of the world to bow to father! Why is that? Because father already threw the line of heartistic love to the end of world, and because he has already sent electricity through, that they understand the direction. What small men you were? You came expecting to hear praises from father, didn't you? Have you come to hear praise or rebuke? You came to hear real explanation.

In order to pave this way, father sat down and prayed until his cotton pants become so soaked that water is dripping. Father shed his tears. Father prayed for seventeen hours, twenty hours a day. Father lived such a life. Through such effort he found this way. Can you inherit this easily? The realm of harmonious heart has to be connected to one standard. Does heaven and earth play in different beat?

Therefore, you have lived without understanding the (true) tradition of Unification Church. You have lived without knowing (true) Unification Church. You have lived without understanding father. Such value-less beings. . .

I am not a worthless person. I am a being who will only exist once in history. Can you meet me again? Do you think you can ever meet me at another time? Can you meet me again? [No, we cannot] The fact that you have met me at this period is a most precious thing which cannot be traded even with the cosmos. However, haven't you treated this precious reality so rashly? What is he proposing (advocating) and what is the way he is walking? You should feel something about your given environment and the world, and also feet that even a flying bird signifies something for you. Your realm of heart should be such. Give the recognition of participatory value to everyone and be able to respond to each other as you and 1. By you having the content of harmonious (assimilative?) value, Heaven should be able to approve (recognize) you. Without going through "inyun" (fateful relationship, connection) that content cannot be approved (recognized). (171-32)

When you pray you must shed tears. When father first began this path, in 1944, 1945, father guided members at the Sangdo Dong church. At that time, the wooden floor of the prayer place in the church center never became dry. Do you understand what father is saying? The wooden floor. You must shed tears. In such situation, God is with that church night and day.

As you march on for the sake of God's Will, you should become immersed in lonely sadness several times a day without even you yourself realizing it, and you should be always connected to and reflect the heart of God. I came until this day with those things in mind. I do not know about you.

You can know at once whether or not God is with you if you think. There is such a thing. When someone talks to you, some meaningful words are spoken, then your mind is naturally pulled. It is natural that you know these things.

Father does not know how many times he prayed until his cotton pants became all wet-how many times he pledged in his mind, going over the valley of death. (19-19)

Are you the owners of the Kingdom of Heaven? You should really wake up and pray. For three years the wooden floor never became dry, and until now father has the callus from praying. God moves only from the highest and most position, not from the place of secular games. (1974.2.9)

In 1957, for the first time we selected 120 locations and went out witnessing. Until that time, father never slept in the prayer room, even at night time. People at that time would know. I usually did not sleep until 2 a.m. and often until 4 a.m. In average I slept only two hours. Always I sincerely prayed and invested. Without doing that I could not lay the foundation. In order to lay the worldwide foundation and to place a cornerstone of the nation, I must be able to pray and invest so that many people will become my hands and feet. (56-50)

5) Minister's Prayer for the Members

A Minister must pray for the members at least once in three days. Even when father spent almost three years in Hungnam prison, in the midst of such hardships, father has never forgotten his prayer for those several members from the meal time until the resting time. Father continuously prayed even for those who fell away. Then that person appeared spiritually in front of father and mournfully reported with tears. He reported miserably that due to the weakness of flesh he has to leave father and said his farewell.

At such a miserable scene, father couldn't help but to feel pity for him. Even though that person left in such a way, father must continuously pray for that person. Why? Because that person could not fulfill the responsibility, until his successor appears I must pray for that person. As long as such foundation of "jeungsung" (sincere prayer and investment, true heart, earnest, devotion) exists even if that member falls away, God will surely send a righteous person.

Therefore, never be discouraged if a member falls away. A very interesting phenomenon is that if a member falls away, then a similar person who resembles that person's character and even the way he walks joins the church. From every angle, the new person who joins resembles amazingly the person who fell away, and yet he is much better. When we see such phenomenon, we can understand that sincere investment and prayer is never lost. This is an absolute fact.

Whenever we meet anyone, we must not end with the meeting itself. Especially if we meet someone centering on God, we must never forget that relationship. Even if that person stopped coming to the church, you shouldn't cut him off or despise him. Even if that person falls away, you must never abandon the relationship that you have made with him.

When you sincerely pray, it is better to do so for one person than for many persons. There is a big difference between praying for one person and for many people. All four different directions become different. Therefore, when there is a subject, it should decide on one object. Then, centering on that object a line should be drawn. Only then the four directions can be drawn. Until that four directions are clearly drawn, the subject must have absolute relationship with its object. Only if that is achieve, then a round circle can be drawn.

Then among the members, is there such a person? This is the problem. You must think according to the Principle. Therefore, before attempting to witness to many, think to witness from one person. Only when you have number one object, you can have the number two object. (42-165)

The basic organizational structure for the prayer group should be four wives make one team, and twelve people from three teams make one group. Men should organize themselves in the same number in conjunction with the women and if those 24 people pray hard, then a great result will come. (1970.4.23)

Pray tearfully for that one life with the heart of a parent. Then surely that person will join. In so doing if you witness one person per month, then if our number is then thousand now, then how many hundred thousand would we be? We will become 100 thousand. In two years, we will become 1.2 million, and in three years, we will become 12 million. If so then every year the number of our members will increase ten fold every year. If we achieve this, then the restoration of Korea is no problem. When we think about this, we must fully march toward the goal of one person per month. (22-342)

If you pray earnestly for three people, then at least one person will join. Now is such time. Therefore, please you make plan for the whole year, twelve months. Organize that at this month, this is number one candidate, this is number two candidate, and this is the number three candidate. Mother, father, older sister, and younger brother would be included in that plan. If it is your younger brother, then you can say, "Hey, younger brother, let's go." What do you have to be concerned about? If he does not listen with persuasion, then you can even forcefully bring him here. (22-345)

The important thing is to pray. Please pray. You should think, "Because I am trying to liberate God and humanity, they should ask favors to me." You need to think that way. Do you understand? [Yes] So, we should clean up all the habits that we picked up until now. (128-174)

6) Prayer Directed toward Center

The regional leaders should renew their sincere prayers for the Headquarters. Don't you think the 70's should be better than 60's? It should be better. (29-78)

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You should pray for Father's future plans. (1974. 2. 9)

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How much have you prayed for and how much have you longed for Father? If you really sincerely desired to see me and prayed for me, then just seeing my physical presence is no longer the issue. (23-52)

Section 1. Minster And Prayer (Part 2)

2. Prayer In The Unification Church

1) Pray in the Name of True Parents

The Unification Church does not pray in the name of Jesus. The person who recently joined would think, "What is True Parents? Why pray in the name of True Parents?" Do you know the meaning of True Parents? True Parents are our ancestors who did not fall in the Garden of Eden and whom we can be proud for eternity in the midst of God's glory. However, because the first ancestor of humanity fell, there had to be a new ancestor, and because God also works his providence centering on the new ancestor, we pray in the name of this new ancestor. It is very logical. In other words, since Jesus is the god of father and the Holy Spirit is the god of mother, the fallen humankind cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven without going through the relationship of such parents. (20-269)

What was the greatest desire of Jesus? What should he have before having a nation? What should he have before having a child? He had to welcome his wife first. However, because Jesus was not able to do so, he could not witness. He could not make people his own sons and daughters. If he came with the qualification of parents, then he should have become father and mother. Therefore, in the Unification Church, when we pray we say, "We pray in the name of True Parents." We are different from the mainline churches. We do not like to pray in the name of single Jesus without a bride.

Therefore, don't you think that we have wonderful prayer in the Unification Church? We pray in the name of True Parents. That means we are praying in the name of True Emperor and Empress. When you say teacher, do you like the teacher couple or a single? What do you like? [We like the couple] Therefore, if there is a man then there should be a woman, and if there is an woman then there should be a man. Was man born worrying about whether there would be a woman or not? Think about it. When he was born, was he concerned greatly? No. It was already so. You haven't even dreamt abut these things and came to know these things. I have solved that. It is an amazing thing. You should know this. (41-230)

When you pray, you pray in the name of True Parents. What is True Love or True Parents? Do not think of that word just with Father and Mother. Think about standard of True Parents from the standpoint of father and mother who can love all humanity and embrace the world transcending the national feelings from even higher level. Therefore, even Father prays in the name of True Parents. (33-143)

Wouldn't you like if you can go to heaven as you wish? Wouldn't you like to enter and come out freely? Why do you pray? When you pray, why do you pray in the name of True Parents? You do not have the right to pray! However, you pray in such a manner, don't you? That is because a victory was won. From the world of all evil, from the satanic world. (150-54)

In the Unification Church we do not pray in the name of Jesus. We do not pray in such a manner. We go in search of parents. Therefore we say parents are True Parents. We have to fix up everything. Even though all has to be fixed because everyone does not know, you should put straight the cornerstone. If the hurricane blows from this direction you may survive, but if it blows from that direction then everything will be destroyed. Do you understand? Those who believe in Jesus, that old man with white hair, do you understand? You should understand. (48, 228)

The time now is not the time for "I pray in the name of Jesus." That time has passed. Now is not the era of name salvation. It is the era of substantial salvation. Now the Christians pray in the name of Jesus. However, Father does not pray in that way. We need Jesus not his name. There are thousand, ten thousand words called father. However, the substantial body is only one. Isn't it so? Therefore, should we go to the Heavenly land riding on the substantial body of Jesus or riding on the name only? (13-63)

2) Prayer that Goes One Step Ahead

What does the Unification Church teach? It teaches the duty of parents. It is fundamentally different from the teachings of the Christianity. The Christianity teaches the duty of a son, but what does the Unification Church teach? [The duty of parents] That is the difference. Who is higher between a son and the parents? The parents are higher. Therefore, in the Unification Church we do not pray in the name of Jesus but pray in the name of True Parents. We are going one step ahead.

If the Trinity exists as the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit, then you should pray in the name of the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit, why do you pray in the name of Jesus? Why do you pray in the name of one person only? If you say "parents," then all will be included.

Then why do you not pray in the name of parents and disappoint by praying in the name of one person only? If you give rice-cake to man only because you like man over woman, then would woman feel good? You say the Holy Spirit is one person of Trinity, then why do you always exclude the Holy Spirit and say "I pray in the name of Jesus.?"

In your home, do you like father but is mother insignificant person? Why do you celebrate father's birthday magnificently yet do not even remember the birthday of mother? Such things can be known by even those who do not believe that the relationship between the parents are the works of heaven and earth.

Everything is reciprocal. Everything forms harmony when comes together. Eyes, nose, ears, and lips, all form harmony by coming together. Likewise, only when father and mother come together they can embrace everything in the world. Alone cannot do it.

You cannot survive if you only inhale. Of course inhaling is necessary but exhaling is just as important. Do you think because we survive by the intake of oxygen, do you think only inhaling is necessary? Please try only inhaling for three times. Then you would need exhale more than inhale. Only by sending the carbon dioxide out through exhaling, much oxygen can come in. You cannot only have man. These days, the world puts man first. Therefore, we must do the fundamental woman's liberation movement. In Principle perspective, man should obey to woman for 3 years. Therefore, when a person is restore, it must go through the proper way. Since Adam and Eve fell down together due to the fall, they must climb up together. Climbing up is like the recreation. When God created, He created Adam first and then created Eve. Therefore, in recreation, God creates Adam first and then makes Eve.

Ultimately, it was the history of recreation until now. In saving the fallen human beings, two cannot saved at one time. It has to first go through the process of remaking, the process of recreation. Then who is the coming Savior? He is the one who comes to this earth as a man who perfected the purpose of creation in order to reclaim the right of cosmic inheritance. It is simple. The Savior is the one who comes as a person of character representing the position prior to that of unmarried Adam in the Garden of Eden. However, the Savior who comes in place of unmarried Adam in the Garden of Eden has to get married. Therefore, the first thing he should do after coming is finding a woman, Mother. (21-194)

3) Pray putting God first

The question from Dr. Sontag: I would like to know about the prayer life of Rev. Moon. I think the prayer life of the Unification Church is unique and many believers say they can that their method of prayer only in the church.

I believe prayer is the most powerful thing. It make possible what seems impossible. In the Unification Church we emphasize prayer; however we do not pray with special method. Only the content is different. My teaching is 'Do not pray for yourself." I teach people to pray for the fulfillment of mission, for others, and to offer their prayer as the words of comfort to God. (91-117)

Even in the moment when father was beaten and fell down gusting the blood in the prison, father did not pray for himself in front of God. Father determined to himself saying "Father, I am different from the previous prophets and Jesus." and he endured such hardships. Father does not pray worthless, unmanly, and weak prayer of 'Oh, Heavenly Father, please save me." Father only offers prayer for God and does not pray for any other.

When God entrust expectation and hope on you, just because you became imprisoned, how can I pray to be saved with crying face? That is not the way a real man should live. (16-243)

3. Early Morning Prayer

Even in prison, father could not sit comfortably with his legs stretched out. Also father has not revealed his skin to the fallen world. Even in the prison father hid a washing towel and before the early morning prayer father cleansed his body. (21-72)

God tells me again to wake up in the early morning and offer the early morning prayer. Waking up in the midst of sleep and praying is frankly difficult even for father. [Laughter] It is not easy to consistently wake up and pray at 4 a.m. However, I have to keep my dignity in front of the spiritual world, I have to pray. Even with sleepy eyes. . . It is that difficult. To pray at night time when everyone else is sleeping is very difficult. However, there is no other way. Even if it is difficult, I would feel comfort in it. If I don't pray, then it would be very awkward for me to speak these things in front of you. (31-254)

If anyone does early morning prayer for three years for his responsible region, then that area will surely revive greatly. (23-250)

Wake up early morning, post that person's name, and pray holding on to his name. You should be able to do so. Pray continually that "This person is really needed for you Will." We can engage in the dual strategy for spiritual battle and the substantial battle. Secular people cannot engage in the spiritual fight. And they do not do well in the substantial fight either. Do you understand? If they are indebted to us, then they would retreat and we can not retreat. We have to engage in the dual strategy. Think like this. Do you understand? From now on. O.K.? [Yes]

You must shed tears. You must shed the heartistic tears. What would God feel when he looks down at your position? You must pray, "Although this city is the city which you can love, unfortunately Satan is dominating over this city right now. Oh! God, please give me strength for I have the responsibility to make this city as your pride. Please let the water of life come forth like a flood if I open my mouth, and let it blow like a wind when I move. Please give me the teachings by which I can shed tears when I meet the people. Please give grace like a marching hurricane when I move." (97-137)

When each of us wake up in the early morning, realizing that I represent the whole of humanity, I should pray that my life today can become an embodiment of gratitude in front of Heavenly Father, and determine that I shall become a fruit of hope in a flower-filled spring garden which Heavenly Father can raise up and utilize. When it becomes the afternoon I should determine in the workplace to become a valuable person whom God can dwell in, by developing myself one more step like in the summer season when the fruit of hope grows. When it becomes the evening, because it is a time very much like the fall season when I can culminate everything and offer my one determination in front of Father, I should pray that I will stand in the position of offering.

When it becomes the night which is comparable to the winter season, I should pray that by possessing the energy of life I will establish the intrinsic father-son relationship with God and thus become a person who can receive all value. If there is a person who makes 365 days of one year into victorious days and live a grateful life, that person can feel that the life with the relationship to God is truly worthy life. A person living such a life will experience such things, and therefore surely he will live his whole life in gratitude. Even when the person is in the situation of death, his grateful heart toward God will remain.

We should live our each day like this, one year like this, and our whole life like this. In our life there are periods of youth, adolescent, adulthood, and old age. It is like morning, day, evening, and night of a day, and spring, summer, fall, and winter in a year. Therefore, a person who lived such a life becomes a victorious substantial being who passed the purpose of creation which God created man for. (29-340)

4. Prayer Vigil

1) Night Has Strong Mysterious Quality

Night, the deep night, has strong mysterious quality. Therefore, when you hold a revival, you feel more grace in the night revival than the day revival. The reason is that at day-time, all our senses are dispersed. In other words, sight, hearing and all other senses through which we can perceive, are easily dispersed. However, at night-time, they are not like that and on the contrary they become focused. At night time, all things make me more salient by surrounding me and in such realm I come to stand naturally. For that reason, at night time, it is more easy to evoke the work of grace together with God. God can more easily work. Therefore, if you talk with the members in the field at night, then that talk comes to hold certain mysterious character. Also, as you travel from one village to another, if you talk while escorting members to their homes then those members can never forget that experience throughout their lives. When a person lives a life experiencing such value, then there is progress.

You too try to convey God's word from midnight until you hear the first crow. How mysterious it is! At a quiet and tranquil night, convey God's words hearing the barking of neighbor's dog at a distance. You will feel as if you have just entered into a new life after finding a glowing sun light, and as if you are a captain who is navigating with a fresh feeling after discovering a light from a distant beacon. You will feel your courageous, bold, and solemn self going alone in the world filled with mysteries. If you want to hold such heartistic relationships, then guide them centering on the night time. Therefore there is a need to work and be active at night and in early morning.

However, if the people are married women then there will always be problems. Therefore, you have to make them understand the significance well and enable them to break out of their environment even at night. It is necessary to possess such heartistic generating power. Therefore, you should make them follow as you instruct them in any environment. If you make your members like this, first through the word, then through your action, and finally through your heart, then they will never fall away. Then let your members do witnessing. You have to educate and raise them until they can witness other people. If this is accomplished, then you will not even loose one person out of all you have witnessed. (29-196)

2) The Meaning of the Prayer Vigil

Do you do prayer vigils? Sending up your spirit to the heaven, forgetting all about the secular matters. . . That state means reaching the state of sleep. Let's go into even beyond such state. just as when all this physical remnants sink down, only the pure water rises above, sleep means that raising our spirit and precipitate all evil consciousness by training our mind. When you go into the state of sleep, when you are about to fall asleep, you hear everything and see everything. You hear everything but haven't heard it exactly, and you saw everything but haven't seen it exactly. Then what happens? A dream like phenomena unfolds. At that time, the spiritual world teaches you something. Do you understand? It all has to fit logically. Do you understand? [Yes]

And by doing the prayer vigil, cutting off all that is physical, totally focusing on the spirit and continuously sending it upward, you will begin to see your future path. When that becomes habitual, then you enter into a position where you can control the everything. If you enter into that state then you can see and hear all. You are looking at and hearing two things at one time. Until you reach such a position, it requires significant self-training and disciplinary development. (91-275)

We came to inherit the satanic blood lineage by the Fall. You have inherited the satanic blood lineage. Therefore, when you move, this blood, the evil blood is moving. Do you understand this? If you put it in the glass container, then it is like the murky water. It is like the dirty, washed-up water. If you sleep, however, things come down since this whole body is resting. It is like the heavy things sink down and the clean water emerges upward. Because the original pure mind can make relationship with God, God teaches here in the dreams the way to go symbolically or visibly. (91-273)

You must directly experience the life in which you yourself stimulate new things centering on God. If you do activity experiencing such heart, then there always occurs multiplication. Then, you develop. The new bud emerges out of the living tree. Yesterday and today is different. There, force of life is always active. In contrast, the tree without its root is a dead tree. Yesterday and today changes.

When you loose such feeling, please pray putting your life on the line. Even if you have to do many prayer vigils, you must accumulate the sincerest effort. If you try to live such a life, then God may even try to take such times away from you on purpose. if so, then no matter how much you try, you may not find hope. In such a situation, you must be able to fight ever more strongly with the mind that I will serve God even subjugating Satan into my side. (30-133)

3) Every Church should hold Prayer Vigils

Although you should work during the day time, religious work should be done at night as well. What I am saying is that teaching at night is effective. So you should make a guest who visited the church once to feel like coming back even if he or she may have to escape from home. For this to be done, you should first become such a (zealous) person. Without the cause, can there be any result? Ladies and gentlemen, if you have not been able to do it, even from now on, you should work harder to make it possible, by coming up with something creative. (97-196)

In the future, people will come to have more spiritual power, and their spirit will become more clear. There should not be any defect. You should not live away from the public position. In order to safeguard the church, Blessed members should form a trinity, and should not sleep. In order to have dominion over the night time -- currently governed by Satan -- we should stay awake at night and protect the church. The church should not remain vacant. That is the way we should protect the church until we feel safe from all four directions. At the place with many members, there should not be nights without members doing a prayer vigil. They should not doze.

In the future, many meetings will be held at night time. It is because we should break darkness. In order to do it, you should have a serious and sincere heart. How precious it is to take responsibility for a public mission! (110-247, 11/1/6 1)

Can you work in place of God? You should have the concept that you are responsible for the entire world. If there is a problem with the whole, you should take it as your own, and even if you have to stay up all night, you should do your best with all of your heart and mind. God will cooperate with such a person since he or she is doing His work on behalf of God although he or she is living on earth.

Therefore, he or she cannot help but to make a progress. In there, joy, glory, and hope will dwell, along with strong energy, and God will be present. Because God is there, life will also be there. Further, loving heart with be residing continuously.

What is the first condition to become such a person? He or she should think: "I exist for (the people of) the world. Therefore, regardless of day and night, for 24 hours a day, I am there for them." Such a person will never be destroyed nor defeated by Satan. (44-13)

People who do not miss God everyday cannot attend God. This you must understand. Whoever it may be, you should be always pierced with a yearning heart. Nevertheless, if you think: "It is now midnight, and it is time to go to sleep." you will end up worrying God. There is no distinction of day and night in the Kingdom of Heaven. If you are connected in heart, it does not matter whether it is day or night. (17-293)

Now, two thirds of the year are gone. That means that we have only one third left. Then, what is there to worry about? Such a thing is nothing to be worried about. I do not pray because of that. I will never pray due to economic problems. How can I pray for money to God? I just cannot offer such a prayer. Prayers should be principled. If you pray for anything, you will have to pay indemnity for doing it, and you will be in trouble. I never pray with a greedy heart.

With this in mind, when you have no money or material things, I suggest you to do a prayer vigil. Yet during the prayer, you should not lament over your own situations. You should pray for people in North Korea centered on the Republic of Korea, for laborers groaning in the communist countries, centered on Russia, and for pitiful people suffering and dying in the wilderness of Siberia. When you should pray to God to open a way for you to go to North Korea for the liberation of its people, God will listen to your prayer. (166-191)

On Saturday night, you should pray at the church. (17-347)

Ladies and gentlemen, do you do prayer vigils? You must. Lecturers must fast a meal. They should make a special condition. Otherwise, everything will be flown away. You should appeal to God with all of your heart and mind -- more than parents do to their own children; more than teachers do to their students; more than a spouse do to his or her spouse. Otherwise, God will not be with you. (166-181)

4) Father's Life of Prayer

I think that church leaders should sleep outside for 10 nights out of a month of 30 days, without returning home. They should spend all night with members, sharing stories together. If I ask you to do it, all of you would run away. What do you think? Would you not? [No.]

That is what I did. In 1957, when I was witnessing to members, I did not sleep at night. The best way of bringing results is a one on one. When I was giving a lecture to one person, I thought that I was giving it to an audience of a thousand people. I thought that that particular person could determine the lives of several thousands or even several tens of thousands. In order for you to make that person follow you, whatever directions, it is all the more reason why you must make special conditions for that person even more to motivate him or her.

Well, if each one of you can become such an individual through me, and Americans can become such people through you, this America will revive. Then, three-stage relationship will be formed. You will be united with me, and local members will be united with you. This is what should be done. You should become one with local members. Why should it be in three stages? Because it is as though God and Adam were to united as one, and Adam and his son were to be also united as one. That is a principle. Unless the three stages are established, nor can the four position foundation. Do you understand what I mean? That is why you should be able to make others like you on the personal level. . . That is the question. (96-285)

While walking this path, I feel being led by an irresistible force beyond my control. Since joining the church, you too must be feeling that you are being pushed by an invisible, but great force. On the contrary, you, however, get more energy when sworn by others or experiencing hardships. Even myself, when my legs are too swollen to walk, I would push them, saying: "You, legs, you must keep on walking for God." That is why I used to stay up all night, listening or talking to members. (97-209)

For this reason, you must make special effort. When doing it, you should not do it for no clear reason or purpose or goal, but keeping a certain person in mind. When I did it for a person in particular, if I thought that he or she might be hungry or in half-clothed, I prayed for that person, fasting and without being dressed warmly, even in a cold weather. Due to such a standard, I could come to lay the foundation that I have today.

I shed many tears without letting others know. When I saw pitiful people, to help them, I felt like bringing them everything in the world. Even if I did it, would you call it a sin? If you are greedy with a desire to give or help others, even God will praise you. It is so because your motivation is not to enjoy your own personal life but to benefit others. Although you suffer now, if you are greedy to benefit others in the future, it is good.

When a doctor holds a scalpel, can he be dozing because it is midnight? Likewise, those who are responsible for others' lives, should be as serious as that surgeon. When seeing you from this view, all of you seem to be people who will drift away. (42-168)

5) Jesus and His Prayer Vigil

Jesus had many prayer vigils, and the people who worked for heaven in the past also prayed hard in order to fulfill their great missions. Without a life of prayer, they could not have reached their level. You may not know when your prayers for God's Will will be realized. Neither do you know whether or not your prayers will be answered. Still, you should have patience to wait. (104-111)

Even Jesus did many prayer vigils. So did he do many fasting prayers alone in the lonely place. . . I am still leading such a life of prayer although I am living with Mother. Otherwise, I always feel like being crushed. (94-157)

After becoming a standard-bearer, if you shout out with all of your energy, the time when we are living is that your shouting will be heard not only on earth but also in heaven. In this sense, certainly, our time is better than that of Jesus. Jesus prayed all night at the Garden of Gethsemane, but no answer was given to his three prayers. There was no response to not only from his people but also from Judaism. However, our time is now different. We are living in the age in which responses can be given not only in the nation but also in the world only if we pray desperately at the risk of our life. We are living in such a time.

Therefore, if we stay up all night and pray, we should do it for our church members. If you do it for yourself, you will become like Peter. Did Jesus not have prayer vigil for the sake of the nation and the world? Even at the time when he was destined to face a death, he did not worry about his own life but for his disciples and the people of Israel. That is why God could have compassion over him, and he could be resurrected from death. This you must understand. Now is such time.

Now is the time when we, the Unification Church members, should do a prayer vigil as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane, but it should not be done for ourselves, but for our people and all humankind. The group of people who shed tears and do a prayer vigil for this will not perish. The person who is determined to go a path of death together will not perish. That turning point will be the final judgment that promises a resurrection. It will not be a way of perish. Although it may appear to be, it will be rather a chance to stimulate a resurrection that can endow a motive for life. (60-30)